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Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Vol.5

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Vol.5
Má doktorát buddhistické a západní psychologie a doktorát somatické psychologie. Je zakládajícím členem a členem správní rady Asociace kraniosakrálních terapeutů severní Ameriky (Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America) a autorem bezpočtu článků a knih na téma somatické psychologie a somatické kraniosakrální terapie.
více o autorovi
In Volume 5 of his innovative series on biodynamic and craniosacral therapy, Michael Shea presents invaluable information about therapeutic approaches to pre- and neonatal babies--in particular, low-birth-weight babies. In addition, more than 50 meditations on stillness are provided for the benefit of the practitioner.

The first part of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Volume 5 contains multiple photographs and descriptions of the best ways to make physical contact with low-birth-weight babies. Included are several protocols for babies while they are in neonatal intensive-care units, as well as protocols for once they have been discharged and are at home. Shea also offers insights on therapeutic approaches to babies in utero. Using photographs and text descriptions, he explains how to position a woman who is pregnant on a table in order to practice biodynamically, and which hand positions to use during the session.

The second part of the volume provides more than fifty meditations and guided visualizations, all of which were transcribed and edited from the full foundation training in biodynamic craniosacral therapy. These meditations can be used to help the practitioner to establish proper orientation to the body and breath and to balance focused and unfocused attention. Lastly, mindfulness meditation and the research surrounding it is discussed.

I. Biokinetic Embryology Principles
II. Cardiopathic Skills
III. Prenatal Craniosacral Therapy
IV. Spiritual Healing Principles of the Buddha
V. Detoxification of the Body
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