Wisdom in the Body
Michael Kern
Michael Kern
Vyučuje kraniosakrální terapii od roku 1987 a jedním z vůdčích představitelů biodynamického přístupu, pořádá semináře v Itálii, Švýcarsku, Švédsku, Rusku a Španělsku. Je zakladatelem Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust. Je také autorem velmi oceňované knihy Wisdom In The Body - The Craniosacral Approach To Essential Health, která byla přeložena do deseti jazyků.
více o autorovi►Accumulations of life stresses—physical injuries, emotional and psychological stresses, birth traumas, and toxicity—can become imprinted in the tissues, acting like a videotape that is replayed whenever stimulated. Biodynamic craniosacral therapy aims to resolve the trapped forces that underlie and drive these trauma-based patterns of disease and suffering in body and mind. Wisdom in the Body teaches practitioners to develop the finely tuned skills of hands-on palpation and perception to sense the body’s subtle rhythms and patterns of inertia or congestion, with the goal of ending trauma and facilitating the expression of the breath of life. A comprehensive introduction to this practice, the book draws on the insights of pioneers like Drs. W. G. Sutherland and Franklyn Sills to explain the key principles about the body’s natural intention to heal and how this capability can be encouraged. A valuable resource for students, practitioners, and the lay reader, the book also includes a foreword by Dr. Franklyn Sills.