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Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Vol.3

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Vol.3
Má doktorát buddhistické a západní psychologie a doktorát somatické psychologie. Je zakládajícím členem a členem správní rady Asociace kraniosakrálních terapeutů severní Ameriky (Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America) a autorem bezpočtu článků a knih na téma somatické psychologie a somatické kraniosakrální terapie.
více o autorovi
Michael J.Shea begins this third volume by emphasizing the therapeutic application of touch therapy skills. As in the previous two books, he teaches these skills by explaining the importance of practitioners being able to perceive Primary Respiration, a slow rhythmic tidal movement in the fluids of the body. He goes on to discuss the distinctive influence of human embryology on any therapeutic modality. A number of other experts in the field contribute chapters that illuminate the spiritual and psychological dimensions of human embryonic development, especially the heart. Dr. Shea offers valuable new skills for anyone, from midwives to pediatricians, working therapeutically with infants. In addition, he summarizes current thinking on infant brain development, discusses the long-term consequences of attachment issues between the mother and infant, and explores the importance of understanding the similarities of the mother-infant and the therapistpatient relationships.

I. Biodynamic Embryology of the Heart and Blood
II. Pre and Perinatal Standards of Practice
III. Biodynamic Ignition Skills
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