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A. T. STILL: From the dry bone to the living man

A definitive biography on Dr. A.T Still and the beginning of Osteopathy
A. T. STILL: From the dry bone to the living man
Andrew Taylor Still had been a medical doctor for ten years
when a devastating personal tragedy convinced him to stop
prescribing the crude drugs of his day and seek a more
effective method of practising medicine. Believing there
must be a better way of healing the sick than introducing
toxic substances into the body, he embarked on a lifelong
quest to decipher the riddles of health and disease, life and
death. Combining the latest scientific knowledge with the
revolutionary intuition that the body innately contains all the
remedies needed for curing, he developed a drugless
method of healing effective across the whole disease
This is the inspirational story of a visionary, nonconformist
scientist, ‘the man who saw the truth, who had the mind to
conceive it, the indomitable will and courage to put it over in
the face of bitter opposition, poverty and social ostracism,
and an abiding faith in its ultimate triumph.’
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